Pesticide Free, Organic or Human Grade, Healthy Bird Food

Jodi’s Organic Small Bird Seed Mix

These are the healthy foods I feed my birds.
It contains Top’s Seed Mix and Top’s Pellets Those are Non GMO and Organic. Then I add  Pesticide Free Safflower Seeds,  Hemp Seeds  and  Milk Thistle. I buy Organic Seeds and by law if I open the bag they are not organic anymore, so they are now Pesticide free seeds. Call it what you will, these are the healthiest I can find. So grateful our tax dollars at work, (Since our Leaders care so much for us, they will allow Poisons in the food). Not sure what the FDA is for anyways but that is for a different time.  I am now Carrying the mix I use for my birds I call it Jodi’s Parrot Mix or Jodi’s Small Bird Seed Mix. 

I heard just yesterday birds are easy to take care of. LOL! Birds diets are complex they need more than just seed or pellet. Birds eat Vegetables, Nuts, Legumes, Protein. Fruit. I found a great article. Bird Food Pyramid I recommend every Bird Owner Read it.

I carry  All Organic or Pesticide Free food, Tops Organic Non GMO Seeds Tops all in One Seeds and Tops Pellets I also feed and carry Bird Street Bistro Non GMO and Organic. I use and carry some of Christine’s food, all Pesticide Free Human Grade Convenient, Bird Food . When feeding my birds I try to add Good Tasting  and Healthy options.

If your bird is not used to eating vegetables. I wrote an article on it on my site under blog. Please check it out, it is really easy to get your birds to start eating vegetables. It is much easier to change their diet, then your own. You just need to know the trick.

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