NEKTON-Biotin to Stop Feather Plucking and Destruction
One of the most common causes of feather plucking, is your bird’s diet, a one-dimensional diet is unhealthy, can lead to Feather Plucking and Destruction. The protein in NEKTON-Biotin is ingested with the feed is dispersed in the bird’s gastrointestinal tract in the individual bases of protein (amino acids) and in turn builds up these naturally produced bases of protein, which it needs for plumage development.
In cases of heavily damaged plumage, double, or even triple the dosage of NEKTON-Biotin can be given to begin with, until the first signs of plumage regeneration are visible. After that, the normal dosage will suffice until plumage regeneration is complete.
A green measuring spoon is attached to every bottle of NEKTON-Biotin.
Please note that NEKTON-Biotin should not be administered during breeding, as it can cause disturbances in the incubation process.