Milk Thistle Seeds to Maintain a Healthy Liver contains strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifying properties it also promotes cellular regeneration and repair. Milk Thistle is also known as wild artichoke and holy thistle, and helps remove toxic chemicals that can accumulate in your pet’s system. It is one of the few herbs with no equivalent in conventional medicine.
Milk Thistle for avian liver disease to promote proper liver function and re-energize your pet. The silymarin compound detoxifies the liver and helps support, strengthen and regenerate liver function.
Research is showing that Milk Thistle improves kidney function. It is beneficial in supporting a pets kidney that may be damaged due to the use of drugs and radiation therapy, and for kidney damage caused by diabetes or infections.
Milk Thistle is used today as an anticancer support. Studies are showing that Milk thistle extract has an effect against cancer. This could be because Milk Thistle has very good antioxidant properties, which act as free radical scavengers. Research is showing that it may in fact help reduce or slow down the grown of certain cancer cell, and may protect and prevent cells from dividing in your pet’s body.
Milk Thistle may used to help support a cat with:
- Liver damage
- Liver disease
- Fatty liver
- Kidney disease
- Cancer support
- Hepatitis
Milk Thistle is a safe herb that is well tolerated by your bird. It is herb that is recommend and used by holistic practitioners